Alan Mannoosseril   (Saraswat)
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An Oneironaut!
Joined 6 December 2017

An Oneironaut!
Joined 6 December 2017
24 MAR AT 2:31

They say it's folly to dwell on missed opportunities, to fixate on a future uncertain. And yet, at times, the burden feels insurmountable. They speak of carefree souls, ignorant of life's complexities, finding solace in their heedless abandon. Is there truth in their simplicity, I wonder?

They speak of choices, of paths diverging at every crossroad. But do we truly possess the agency to carve our destinies, or are we but passengers upon the currents of fate?

When will my sentence reach its conclusion? I yearn for the day when I can once again breathe freely, unencumbered by the weight of confinement, and embrace the world beyond these walls with open arms.



24 MAR AT 2:27

In the quiet confines of my room, I find myself enveloped in solitude, akin to a modern-day recluse amidst a bustling world. In the silence of solitude, void of merry gatherings and companionship, my world remains bound within these walls, untouched by the distant echoes of laughter. I've become a silent observer of life's unfolding dramas through the flickering glow of screens.

As the sun casts its gentle rays upon the world outside, instead of basking in its warmth, I find myself recoiling, fearful of stepping beyond the familiar confines of my sanctuary. It's as though I've unwittingly crafted my own prison, one where the only bars are the limitations of my circumstance.

Though I harbor no grievances, acknowledging the hand I've been dealt in life, the weight of responsibilities and debts hangs heavy upon my shoulders. Yet, amidst the daily toil, there lingers a melancholic ache—a lament for the innocence lost in childhood, the tears shed in tumultuous teenage years, and the weariness that pervades my youthful spirit.



8 JUL 2023 AT 21:28

When choices seem to fill the air,
And all seem good, but none seem fair,
A sense of dread may fill the heart,
And make us wish that we were blest
With just one path to follow through.

But then we see a glimmering light,
A beacon in the darkness bright,
A hope that we can hold onto,
A dream that we can yet pursue.
And so we follow where it leads,
And find that all our choices feed
The soul that dwells within our heart.

For choices are not always made
To lead us to a better place,
But sometimes they are made to teach
Us patience, faith, and hope, and reach
A higher place than we could ever dream.

So do not fear the choices you must make,
But walk with hope and faith awake,
And know that all your choices lead
To something better, if you heed
The voice that whispers in your heart.


23 OCT 2022 AT 12:00

You were exhausted last night. You fell asleep on the bed and awoke just as your alarm was about to go off. You notice you don't have a blanket on you, and it's raining outside. The drizzling sound of water droplets and the tingling cold make you want to crawl under the covers and wrap yourself in. But you must get up and go to work. You lie there in agony, waiting for the alarm.

Surprisingly, you've been waiting for quite some time and the alarm hasn't gone off. You're scared and begin to ponder if you dozed off again unconsciously. Fear begins to creep in. You check your phone and discover that no alarm has been set. Oh no! What did I do?

You look at the schedule. No way!! Your shift is scheduled for the evening. It's time to rejoice. You are granted to the warmth and comfort of the blanket. It's warm and inviting. You are at peace. This is a priceless moment. It's wonderful to live in the present moment. This can't possibly go any wrong, can it?

Suddenly, your brain decides to intervene. How much better would this be if you weren't alone and someone wrapped their arms to cuddle you under that blanket?


13 JUN 2022 AT 14:31

Those were harder times.
I didn't realize sooner that to stop existing isn't the end of life.
It's an end, of course, but to start living. Times had to change.


27 APR 2022 AT 16:03

Once bitten twice shy
Cupid would find a loftier sky,
Chatterbox, for a best mate, hearsay
To drag the sweet love from which we lay.

I may blush to start it on
Without thy power as he is none!
Form bond so tight, when we meet
Would bring a song of the lore and street.

Cuddly under the crimson sun
Over the snow from the last storm run
Would you dream of a dawn together
Glazing at the stars forever!


5 FEB 2022 AT 16:48

When these glistening rays caress my cheeks,
And the soft air that caresses my tresses
And the fluffy clouds trailed through the azure sky,
I recall we live beneath the same sun and moon,
Even when we're oceans apart,
You're with me every step of the way.— % &


15 OCT 2021 AT 2:51

Moving on is better.
Until now...
Now I don't even have
Someone to be sad about.


12 AUG 2021 AT 19:32

My heart's heavy,
Coz I need more of you.
Then I'll be weightless!


6 MAY 2021 AT 5:52

Some regrets are blessings in disguise..

The thought of never being able to express your true feelings, and imagining doing it time and again in your thoughts is how you're still keeping their memories alive!

If not, you might have totally forgotten them.


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