Abinash Prasad Sahoo   (Abinash)
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Joined 7 February 2018

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Joined 7 February 2018

When you are under confident anyone can walk over you if he/she is not conscious.
Then crying is nothing but soothing yourself or even trying to draw attention.

When you are pumped up over confident arrogant, you will try to exploit everything for your selfish motive. And eventually your life will not only be self centred but lonely.

When you are confident, you know your strengths and limits. You know the pain you can endure and the pleasure you can aspire for. You will walk smoothly both in success and solitude.


When you know your limit you can built yourself onto that point as efficient as your core.



जबतक हमें गुरुकृपाका अखंड अनुभव ना हो तब तक हमें हमेशा गुरु वाणी का मनन तथा गायन करते रहना चाहिए।


16 APR AT 18:58

ରାସ୍ତାରେ ଚାଲି ଯାଉଥିବା ପଥିକ କେବେ ବି ତୁମ ହୃଦୟର କଥା ବୁଝି ପାରିବନି।
ନିଜ ହୃଦୟର ଯନ୍ତ୍ରଣା ହେଉ ଅବା ଅଭିଯୋଗ ନିଜର ଅତ୍ୟନ୍ତ ଘନିଷ୍ଠ ଅନ୍ତର୍ଯ୍ୟାମୀ ଭଗବାନଙ୍କ ଛଡ଼ା ଆଉ ଯାହାକୁ କହିଲେ ବି ସେ ବ୍ୟର୍ଥ ହିଁ ଯିବ।


16 APR AT 7:13

Isn't death included in life?
Isn't death a part of life?
Isn't death the depth of life?
Isn't death a unforgettable
milestone of life?
Isn't death the opening of our mind?


15 APR AT 22:56

What would happen if humans get elixir?


15 APR AT 22:25

When we see God accepts this slow healing or decaying of this world, how can we revolt?! Whom can we blame?


15 APR AT 20:28

मगर हमे इजाजत नहीं
तुम्हे याद करने की।

भूल जाए तुम्हे ऐसे
दुआ मांगते हैं
लेकिन यादें तुम्हारी
अब भी जिंदगी में
एक अहम हिस्सा है।

हां इजाजत देते हैं खुदको
कर लेंगे याद तुम्हे
साल में एक बार
तुम्हारी दी हुई ज्ञान के साथ
जब बड़े होने का होगा एहसास।


15 APR AT 16:44

1.Why all the questions appearing in my mind gets crushed by answers from my mind or others?
Because the answers I carry are more powerful than my mind. They don't let a question stay for long.
2.What should I do?
Stay happy or empower your mind to ask questions and independently seek the answers. Don't even take the help of memories unless they appear by default.


15 APR AT 14:57

From birth till death
It may be a drama
Filled with action
Comedy, romance
Tragedy, violence
All good and bad genre
Is inbuilt in Life.

You may be called
To act ASAP
Your intelligence
Can never go standby
Your truthfulness
Should always be active.
Your emotions must
Remain positive.
Your habits should
Train through patience.


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