Abhishek Ydv   (©Abhishek_y7)
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An Engineer!
I write to express, to relief, to grief.
Joined 30 September 2017

An Engineer!
I write to express, to relief, to grief.
Joined 30 September 2017
18 APR AT 15:28

Somehow Something
Will hit you hard
to play the card
to be your own guard
to leave the pain and flaws
and never look back at what was once raw
You'll soar above, beyond the flaws,
Embrace the journey without pause
In the dance of life, you'll find your grace,
As you step into your destined space.


29 MAR AT 17:42

I know you don’t have any clue
But still this is for you
That gentle grace on ur prettier face,
Just like an flower on surface
In your eyes, a universe, vast and bright,
Guiding me through this darkest night.
Your laughter, a melody, pure and clear,
Bringing solace, and dispelling the fear.
With each word, a symphony, sweet and rare,
Your essence, a masterpiece beyond compare.


23 MAR AT 1:31

In this life full of ups and downs
If holding onto things could have been easier,
then everyone would have been a winner,
evey one would have been happier
and no one could experience the value of losing those things.
Sometimes we get the things we aim for,
sometimes we just lose them for no reason,
and sometimes we just learn to have patience

And sometimes we just learn to
"holding onto our emotions with neutral expressions”


3 MAR AT 15:50

From childhood, I harbored a wish
For a love story as lovely as this
It unfolded just as I'd dreamed
But then it shattered, or so it seemed

Fear gripped me, doubts took hold
But I pretended my heart was bold
To suspend the pain, to carry on
Through happier moments, once upon

Yet still, I yearn for love anew
To find a love that's pure and true
With each heartbeat, I'll take a chance
For love's sweet song, I'll gladly dance.


27 FEB AT 13:55

In the dawn of our first meeting's light,
Will you reveal your true self,
or only what's polite?
Will you gaze into my eyes,
see the struggles and the cries,
If I open my life's book,
will you be surprised or deny?

Would you value a gentle face and a tender heart's beat,
When others chase muscles and thighs, a superficial feat?
As I journey through triumph, through strife,
Will you stand steadfast by my side,
for the rest of life?


16 FEB AT 17:31

There’s no doubt in that
your sorrow is your sorrow
which no-one can borrow
your pain is yours pain
which sometimes leads you in rain
rain from the swelling eyes
still people around you can find you in skies
that’s because someone says
nobody sees yours struggles but success gets praised
they’ll see you whole but will ignore your soul
which is probably crying but the mind is denying
denying to express, the heart gets suppress
this is how the life goes on
Act, React and keep the learning and unlearning On


13 FEB AT 21:30

In the realm of physical touches, one feels not,
Yet in the depths of soul touches, one finds a lot.

Definition of love varies , soul by soul's design,
Each unique, each have its own divine.


5 FEB AT 0:38

In short, the matter concerns my dignity.
If I stick to my thoughts and mentality,
I know the purity of my soul,
Which makes me feel guilty witnessing cruelty unfold.

Though treated differently, I made efforts towards possibility,
I never lost morality despite mental brutality.
Unwilling to accept a distorted reality,
I knew I never engaged in any unreality, loved them with clarity.

Anyway, I've worked and am working on me,
Someday my heart will smile I’ll shine;
that's my Surety.


31 DEC 2023 AT 22:57

So finally it's end of the year
Lets forget all your pain and scare,
fill your face with smile and stay fair
Let's forgive them who put you in fear,
who gave you uncountable tear
It's upto you if speed up your life gear,
or if you're just ready to cheer a beer
Hope Someday somewhere you'll be near
to someone who will call you dear
Someone will gift you a small eclair or maybe a teddy bear,
to make you feel special on the very first day of the year
Let them pull you closer to with some care To show some love with no dare


29 DEC 2023 AT 0:17

Every little thing matters in my Life.


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