Aadil Chimthanawala   (Dr. Aadil Chimthanawala)
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Joined 8 July 2017

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Joined 8 July 2017
25 OCT 2023 AT 13:34

D/D of Homeopathic Drugs For HARD STONY tumours
1. Calcarea flour - Painless Induration
2. Conium - Ailments from blows, falls. Pains > motion & pressure
3. Baryta Iod- Ailments from blows. Growth accelerated after Biopsy. Pain < motion & pressure
4. Iodum - Ailments from Mental Shock, Disappointment in love. Accompanying Emaciation
5. Phytolacca D - Painful tumours < dampness, rains


24 OCT 2023 AT 2:28

Wishing you joyous and blessed Vijayadashami! May this auspicious festival bring light, happiness, and prosperity into your life.


14 SEP 2023 AT 9:46

For years we have been observing the excellent effects of STRONTIUM CARB in preventing cerebro vascular strokes in patients of established Atherosclerosis & chronic Systemic Hypertension


20 AUG 2023 AT 11:26

Time when Earth is between the Sun & Saturn
Time for Balance of the conflict between Responsibilities & Personal desires of freedom & individuality.
ANACARDIUM & LILLIUM TIG can be of great help for many in this phase


20 AUG 2023 AT 8:22

Students do as well as you trust them
Mature as much as you adore them
And Grow as much as you acknowledge them


3 AUG 2023 AT 12:17

There’s an age when Beauty is important
There’s an age when Thoughts & Mindset counts
Finally an age comes when the only important thing is TOGETHERNESS


27 JUL 2023 AT 12:31

Natrum Nitrosum Vs Laurocerasus In Cyanotic Heart Diseases
Natrum Nitrosum- Along with Cyanosis, there is Nausea, diarrhoea, syncope & angina after exertion
Laurocerasus- Along with Cyanosis, there is Dyspnea, cough, jelly like sputum & angina after exertion


27 JUL 2023 AT 11:50

In the order of the depth of action on the organism in response to superficial to deep emotional wounds, our experiences dictate the following order of homeopathic remedies
Gelsemium- Acid Phos- Ignatia- Natrum Mur- Staphysagria- Aurum Met - Medorrhinum- Carcinosin


27 JUL 2023 AT 8:00

Emotions that are unexpressed or partially expressed become the seeds for lifelong illnesses like Diabetes. Staphysagria in appropriate potencies facilitates the release of these emotions and stops the evolution of the disease


20 JUN 2023 AT 9:16

The National Academy Of Homeopathy, India
will conduct
Homeopathic Winter School
17th to 24th December 23
Contact +919307965618
25 seats only


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