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Joined 5 October 2017

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Joined 5 October 2017
30 APR AT 6:54

You and I
entwined together
our souls dances
for the rhythm of eternity
love forever blooms


30 APR AT 6:49

Melting snow
rebirth whispers softly
life sprouts, vibrant greens
Springtime symphony


30 APR AT 6:45

Petrichor in air
serenade of rain
serenity blossoms in souls


30 APR AT 6:39

Bound by threads of destiny
infinite love songs
harmonizing hearts as one
resonating forever


30 APR AT 6:36

In tranquil dawn
amber leaves cascade
specks of gold fills the air
a season of change


30 MAR AT 19:59

Colorful array
each petal an untold tale
nature's artistry


30 MAR AT 19:50

In the vast canvas of existence
life unfurls in a spectrum of hues
each moment a stroke of vibrant color
a symphony of shades
ever-changing, ever-evolving..

The dawn breaks in a cascade of golden light
painting the sky with a palette of pinks and purples
a promise of a new day, a fresh beginning
where possibilities bloom like flowers in a meadow


30 MAR AT 19:45

In fields of gold
where dandelions sway
their delicate seeds carried by the breeze
each wish they hold, love's dream display
a dance of affection whispered by the trees

Sweethearts entwined beneath the azure sky
their hearts gleams with passion pure
their love, so true, a bond so strong
encased in forever


30 MAR AT 19:35

In the field of verse
where blooms a poet's craft
with ink-stained hands
sowing seeds of rhyme and reason
nurturing stanzas, letting them grow
in golden dawn and amber dusk
poetic flowers bloom and thrive
tapestry of beauty
a sight to behold


30 MAR AT 19:29

In the stillness
colors blend and fade
echoes of dreams unspoken
silent reveries
visions of the unknown swirl
random thoughts


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