#getoutofbed quotes

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11 MAY 2018 AT 19:43



12 MAY 2018 AT 5:37

G reat new day awaits me,
O n my voyage of freshness,
O nly filled with pleasantness,
D riving me to my success...

M ore lessons of experience,
O n offer for my entire day to
R ead and prosper on the way...
N ever a moment of dullness
I n my journey of exploration
N ew thoughts of innovation
G uiding me to my destination...

Good Morning everyone...


12 MAY 2018 AT 4:31

Of all the things I dread,
The most is getting out of my bed.


11 MAY 2018 AT 20:35

What makes me get out of the bed in the morning is the inner motivation that I can utilise this day better than yesterday.


11 MAY 2018 AT 21:33

The sound of the world and the voices of the crowd ....
Makes me awake in
the first hour of the day.....
The dreams of my childood
And the hand to hold them up...
Makes me throw my blanket
Amidst my cosiest dream...

The urge to live one more day...
Gives me the
strength to start up my way...


11 MAY 2018 AT 17:29

To push others, you
must push yourself,
to motivate others, you
must motivate yourself,
to pull others, you
must pull yourself,
to lift others, you
must lift yourself,
to understand others, you
must understand yourself,
to know others, you
must know yourself,
to love others, you
must love yourself.


11 MAY 2018 AT 22:51

To write a song of life makes me get out of bed every morning


11 MAY 2018 AT 21:57

An intense burning desire within awakens oneself to chase and achieve their dreams and goals.


11 MAY 2018 AT 20:22

My Mom's shouting in my ear like anything and if not then pouring water in my face makes me wake up and get out of bed every morning.


11 MAY 2018 AT 20:46

The alarm clock
Gets me out of bed
Where I would have
Stayed instead
In my cushion
Of dreams
