Srilatha Gugunta ย  ((Sherly)Srilatha Gugunta)
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Joined 17 June 2019

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Joined 17 June 2019

the pain to hold the feelings..
is so much hard..
I wish I was introverted at times..
and veiled myself away from the world..
fill my soul beyond anyone's approach..
but I'm designed in an aesthetic aura..
to speak and magnify beyond logic..
and connect to the world..
which I feel belongs to me..



Through the empty forest, the echoes whispered from the corner amidst the darkness that mounted the sky. Her slender body quivers through woods. The smell of the fresh leaves fills the cold breeze. The night creatures crawled like a cobweb. Her thoughts had no control since then as she continued to stay with the flow. The scary screams were able to conquer her way. She waited to unleash into the wilderness like dirt under the grass. Emotions are distilled as she travels the thickness of the woods. To unveil the lasting truth, the prick of thorn in the form of charger cords of her phone, she will be grateful for this colorful distraction called imagination..



voluptuous sorrow holds me..
to the unheard laurels..
that hitched me to the core loneliness..



the soft cushions sometimes..
invites me to feel it for night..
with the time balancing on a fragile leaf..
and the fragrance from the sheets..
I wander too far from the sunset..
away from the beautiful restful night..
unto the dark corner of the road..
only to be lost in a fractured mind..
I can stay up all night, but..
the essence of me lost in the past..
which has already been taken..
to breathe as if my last..


4 MAY AT 9:34

the dusky clouds calms the daylight..
to convey a message that everything is right..
with a full kindness that raises a hope..
distant, but shines brighter giving a scope..
a magic spell, it would let out its spun..
when the droopy eyes steady for a fun..
the mighty night for the love sake, it shall wait..
for the richness of the time, reserved for my sight..


3 MAY AT 23:58

a hope of leisure..
welcomes the weekend flight..
perhaps a poetry' pleasure..


3 MAY AT 6:08

the lengthyview of heavenly abode..
let's live for each other without any word..
a mortal choice for eternity, to be heard..


2 MAY AT 23:17

leave and go far, far away..
but not to disappear in thin air..
rather to start over something new..


2 MAY AT 8:04

to live with the pain and endure it till the end..
when I look into the brown mirror of my eyes..
a shallow, hopeless, and lifeless, I see myself..
diminishing and reluctant to a depth of the sea..
I grew intoxicated and dragged unto the death..
the world is cherishing upon my crumbled soul..
that dragged me to a relentless point..
to search and sought a weapon to self-harm..


2 MAY AT 7:49

With the mortal life on earth, what can not be expected by a human being. Life with full of happiness witnessed phases with emotions overlapping themselves. Hope and expectations tossed around with the reality bug bites on inch of the body and with every step that was ready to battle. The constant advice from people shocked for sure. The tornadoes inside hidden while shielding the outer appearance. Although the strong faith believed in the light at the end of the tunnel that kept steady even after the loss of the parents. The life we live is different from others, and the saying, 'this too shall pass' keeps me good and going..


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