Smriti Pradhan   (Smri)
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Joined 17 September 2017

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Joined 17 September 2017
2 MAY AT 18:38

the cry of being pushed out of my comfort zone, to navigating life's winding paths. From the innocence of childhood to the responsibilities of motherhood, I've crafted my own narrative. Transitioning from playing house to creating my own, I've confronted each challenge with courage. Now, a content person, I balance a fulfilling career with nurturing my passion. While I may occasionally
burn my roti, I don't burn
a hole in my wallet, ensuring
a life filled with grace and gratitude.


2 MAY AT 11:21

poetry in motion
rhyming strokes
moans, a couplet
names recited


2 MAY AT 10:42

counting the stars.


2 MAY AT 10:24

there's that fire burning deep in the hearth, fueling you to do better each day, without the mistakes trailing like ashes, but rather lighting the path forward with lessons learned.


30 APR AT 23:05

As April's curtain slowly draws,
the jests of fools begin to pause.
But May, on the horizon, beckons near,
with promises of a new frontier.

With April's antics left behind,
we bid adieu, a gentle kind.
Welcoming May's impending grace,
we greet the change with hopeful face.


29 APR AT 22:46

Your radiant smile, captured with grace,
in the lens, your beauty finds its space,
a Kodak moment, our love's sweet trace.


29 APR AT 17:52

Quarter Life Crisis

In the gentle morning light, she wakes,
her thoughts, like wandering clouds,
drifting through the vast expanse of possibility.
Love's tender touch still lingers,
yet ambition stirs within her soul,
a restless yearning for something more.

In the quiet moments of contemplation,
she confronts the strings of doubt playing in her mind,
a quarter life crisis looming on the horizon.
As she embarks on her journey,
each step a hesitant advance,
between the comfort of familiarity,
and the allure of the unknown.
The road ahead stretches endlessly,
a ray of dream waiting to be touched,
and she, the maker of her own destiny.


28 APR AT 23:22


Always fair, never biased
People matter, not just sides
Open-minded in every way
Liberated from political sway
Independence guides each day
Taking a stand, come what might
In unity, we find our right
Choosing peace, to never fall
Avoiding labels, big and small
Living free from political thrall


27 APR AT 22:49

Instagram DMs

In the quiet of the inbox, a message appears,
but instead of warmth, it stings and deceives.
Words like daggers, aimed to wound,
trolling in DMs, leaving hearts marooned.

Behind the screen, emotions churn,
tears flow silently, while trolls taunt and spurn.
In a space meant for connection, they sow discord,
leaving scars unseen, hearts longing to be restored.


27 APR AT 21:55

Our love, like brewing coffee, began with patience.
A slow process, allowing flavors and emotions to meld.
In the quiet moments, it simmered, gaining depth.
Until it filled the cups of our hearts.


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