Shubham Gaikwad Β  (Shubham)
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Joined 28 April 2017

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Joined 28 April 2017
13 SEP 2022 AT 22:32

Hey sis,
It's been long since you've been gone. You always wanted to become a star, and now you've literally became one. A lot of people's lives came to halt that day. Hardest part of this all to grasp was you're gone forever, no more laughs, no more arguments, no more anything. I see you occassionally, little pieces of you show up everywhere I go.
I admit that I get scared when I think about you sometimes. I'm slowly forgetting what your laugh sounded like, or even what your voice sounded like.
I look back on our childhood and all of the silly things we would do together. How we'd fight over stupid things. We used to fight over newspaper every morning. When dad used to bring new books for us every week, we'd fight over who'll get to read the most interesting book first. You'd tell me if I read it after you, it'll be in my memory for longer time than you. And my dumb brain believed it.


13 SEP 2022 AT 22:28

When mom used to scold me and I'd be upset and crying, you were the one who gave me comfort and care.
I remember how afraid you were of the dark & ghosts, then I'd explain how ghosts aren't real.
Remember ? One day, you forgot to pick me up from school and I didn't know how to come home.
How much we've dreamt together, I think about it all the time. I don't know if those dreams are possible without you, but I haven't given up yet.
You still inspire me, you still guide me through life. I miss you the most when I go through bad times, cause you're not there anymore to give me comfort, to guide me. I still have some of your things with me, I've taken a great care of it.
Everyone misses you didi, you were so affectionate and loving. Everyone loved you and we still do.
Life would've been so different, if you were still here. But nvm, we'll meet again someday, somewhere. Till then, you're in my memories forever. Love youβ™₯️


20 MAY 2022 AT 22:03

Why do you live so far
Different skies, different soil
But the moon is same
Where our eyes meet
Should I fall for you?

(Read Caption for full)


30 AUG 2019 AT 21:01

(Read Caption)


18 MAY 2017 AT 10:33

There are people who leave.
And then there are people who stay.

No one asks what we want.πŸ™‚


7 MAY 2017 AT 22:06

I regret that I gave you birth
Yeah,I am your mother 'earth'
I've seen thousands of wars
With thousands of corpse
Died defending their nation
And destroying my creation
In greed of power,money and oil
Thousands of men shedding blood on my soil
Machine guns,missiles and bombarding mortars
Weapons spitting fire,leaving me with scars
7billion people,4-2-0-0 religions
196 nations and their flying flags
Listen I want world without border
And peace on every corner
Waiting for the 'One World Anthem'
With words of peace and no nationalism


7 MAY 2017 AT 17:44

It's been two years
She's done with four more like him,
And he's still collecting pieces of his broken heart.


5 MAY 2017 AT 11:33

Once upon a time in fruits kingdom......
Mango ate an apple 🍎😱
..bcuz An Apple a day keeps the doctor away πŸ˜‚



2 MAY 2017 AT 23:30

I can't help but prone to those dreams
a far from reality.To success that I deserve.


2 MAY 2017 AT 22:11

She was lying prone on bed,
Remembering all those kisses on her lips and forehead.

But he never showed up again,
As he died giving her that emotional pain.πŸ’”

She was lying prone on bed,
Figuring out if she could wake him up from the dead.


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