Sandeep Bidani   (Sandythepoet)
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Joined 6 May 2017

Joined 6 May 2017
18 NOV 2021 AT 16:29

उसे कैसे आज़ाद करूँ,
वो ज़ंजीरों से मोहब्बत करता है।


18 NOV 2021 AT 16:29

उसे कैसे आज़ाद करूँ,
वो ज़ंजीरों से मोहब्बत करता है।


9 MAY 2021 AT 10:14


The night, the raven dark night,
Like a mother, touches the soul,
Comforts with her smile,
And our burning, teared face,
Finds solace.

Silence is her strength,
In which the fevered, shivering mind,
Feels her voice, but does not hear,
Imagining her comforting words,
Like the baby, clings to the bosom,
and the pain disappears,

When the gash that pains is too deep,
A gash that makes your eyes burn,
You stand like a fallen toddler,
And the silence is even deeper,
The sound from our soul, just a moan,

Her tears become a reflection,
Our pain just amplified,
Silently, she holds our hand,
Knowing she can't ease the Pain,
Her dark shawl, shuts out the light,
As the warmth seethes through.

I drift away, a child riding her magical wings,
Is that her light, the light that bedazzles,
Or is that the supreme, in all his glory,
Are they different, or are they the same,
Then the blissful feeling sets in.

Sandeep Bidani
Copyrighted Content


3 MAY 2021 AT 13:55


Love, is that drop of water,
That drips off your washed hair,
And slides off your shoulder,

Love, is those searching eyes,
As you turn back to look at me,
As I walk away looking back at you,
Love, is that how do I look question,
That hangs in those eyes that speak,
But never reaches your lips,

Love is that short "where are you "
And the "have you eaten",
Synonyms suddenly discovered,

Love, is that rushed unplanned hug,
When you put your head on my heartbeat ,
And say I tried, but I think I failed,
Love, is that sudden sharing,
Of naïve actions taken in haste,
Knowing all I'll say is "it's ok, don't worry",

Love, is you and me,
Different, yet very similar,
Two sides of a river flowing together,

Love, my love, is you.

- Sandeep Bidani
Copyrighted content


22 APR 2021 AT 20:42

Rhythm of God

The silver coins from the golden sun
They float gently on the babbling water of the lake,

Interrupted so very gently, by the shadows of the trees leaning over,
swaying back as they look up in awe at the sun,

No this sound from the distance isn't the song of the songbird,
This is the bluejay calling out to its mate lost in time,

The kirrick kirrick that creates a rhythm with the call of the blue jay,
The little green frog is invoking the gods with its music,

The little Eaglets open their eyes to an orange Sun,
the melody of the whistling winds their lullaby,

The tall majestic snow clad mountain looks down at all this gently,
then looks around and takes in the maker's expanse,

and smiles as if knowing it is he who protects,
the little eaglets so one day they can find wings and soar above it.

- Sandeep Bidani
Copyrighted content


15 APR 2021 AT 0:27

A little salt and flowing water

It's amazing I the human,
water is all I am,
Almost water,
And a pile of chemical emotions,

yes a few pinches of different salts,
dissolved in water,
Flowing through our skin and our soul,
Creating God's alchemy,

and the Druid that he is,
he's made sure I fix back when broken,
With salt and water anytime,
almost every time,

The tears that blank away,
every sadness that plagues the mind,
And every rock that I've hit in life,
Has taken sweat salt and water to crack,

But cracked they have and I prevailed,
And now the night silence of this sea,
Refreshes my soul, rising to the moon,
refilling my lost salt and water.

- Sandeep Bidani
Copyrighted Content


2 FEB 2021 AT 22:39

कंधो पर रखी दुनिया

अगर भारी लगने लगे
तो इसे बाँट लो
इस बस्ते को खोलो
और कुछ छाँट लो

कुछ अच्छे दोस्तों को
दो खुद की ज़िम्मेदारी
कुछ ना जाने क्यूँ दोस्तों को
रुख़्सत करो बारी बारी

कंधों के बोझ को “मैं” ना समझो
ये तुम नहीं , हैं सपने और मजबूरी
कुछ झुकी से पीठ को
टेढ़ा ही है मत मान लो
बोझ हल्का करने की ठान लो

कुछ रुक कर, कुछ झुक कर
रखो इस बस्ते को,टटोलो
सपनों को बांधो पंख, उड़ा दो
फिर देखो क्या थी मजबूरी

अगर बची है तो तोड़ दो वो बेड़ी
वरना ज़िंदगी चलती है टेढ़ी मेढ़ी

अगर भारी लगने लगे
तो इसे बाँट लो
इस बस्ते को खोलो
और कुछ छाँट लो।

- संदीप बिदानी


6 APR 2020 AT 0:44

The lunatic

The lunatic lies on the grass,
Staring at the night ,
He laughs out loud,
As the moon is not out,
And there's no light shining,
On the darkness of his mind,
He remembers his childhood games,
And running on soft grass,
He remembers the coolness,
Now the coldness of a moonless night,
Goodbye he says, goodbye,
Oh cruel world Goodbye,
Remember says he,
It was I, this was me,
I had a lunatic locked away in my mind,
Yes, It was not me, it was the lunatic,

And now he laughs, and now he's free.

- Sandeep Bidani
Copyrighted content


24 NOV 2019 AT 2:29

खींची थी जिस क़लम से लकीरें मेरे माथे पर
उम्मीद है ख़ुदा वो कलम तोड़ दी तूने ।


21 NOV 2019 AT 22:38

वो बोल सकता

वो बोल सकता अगर तो कहता ज़रूर
क्यूँ वक्त जब था तो अकेले थे तुम

क्यूँ जीने का फिर सोचा जब तो
वक्त ने इतनी बेड़ियाँ फेंकी हैं पैरों में

पर वो बोलता नहीं है, सन्नाटा जो है
शायद एक दिन चीखेगा,

हाँ एक दिन चीखेगा ज़रूर
पर सुनायी सिर्फ़ मुझे देगा।

- संदीप बिदानी


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