Sachin yadav   (Kuro_Shiro)
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Grow in your own way; that's what life is all about.
Joined 15 August 2023

Grow in your own way; that's what life is all about.
Joined 15 August 2023
29 MAR AT 12:51

Soulful Reflections

In the mirror of your soul, may you find the universe reflecting back its infinite beauty.


28 MAR AT 17:20

Hearts find their perfect counterpart.


28 MAR AT 13:12

Stars give us the hope to keep dreaming.


28 MAR AT 9:32

Never giving up on goals.


27 MAR AT 9:46

In the cocoon's embrace, a metamorphosis unfolds, as the caterpillar surrenders to the alchemy of change. Emerging from darkness, adorned with newfound wings, the butterfly whispers tales of resilience and rebirth.


27 MAR AT 9:10

Unmotived Morning

In the stillness of dawn, with light so soft,
Awakening to a day, motivation aloft.
Yet shadows linger, reluctance in sight,
Unmotivated morning, a quiet fight.

The sun peeks through curtains, gentle and warm,
But the spirit within feels a somber form.
Tasks ahead loom, a mountain to climb,
Yet the will to begin feels lost in time.

Coffee's aroma, a whispered plea,
To stir the soul from its reverie.
Yet the cup sits untouched, the energy wanes,
Unmotivated morning, where dreams refrain.

The world awaits with its beckoning call,
But within the heart, a heavy pall.
Yet hope flickers faint, like a distant star,
Guiding through the shadows, near and far.

So let the morning unfurl its tale,
For even in darkness, light prevails.
With each hesitant step, a journey starts anew,
Unmotivated morning, transformed into breakthrough.


26 MAR AT 11:29

Returning to work after a long weekend is like stepping back into the rhythm of life's symphony after a brief interlude of sweet melody.


26 MAR AT 8:47

Forge your path with passion, fueled by curiosity, guided by wisdom, and illuminated by purpose. In this journey lies the art of mastering life's ever-changing canvas.


25 MAR AT 8:37

On this auspicious Holi morning, may the hues of happiness dance in your eyes, the melodies of laughter echo in your heart,
and the fragrance of love linger in the air. Let us rejoice in the beauty of diversity and spread the joy of this festival to every corner of our lives. Happy Holi!


24 MAR AT 10:14

Reading books illuminates my mind, enriches my soul, and transports me to realms beyond imagination. It's not just a hobby; it's a journey of self-discovery and endless possibilities.


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