प्रिyanka Shर्मा  
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Joined 7 June 2018

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Joined 7 June 2018

The last time they talked,
He took a promise -
That she would never include him in her works.
And since then,
Her pen stopped wielding words.


Love exists in you,
You give and it returns back out of the blue.


is the audacity to rise
no matter how ugly your fall was.


Focus on what's best,
And let God do the rest.


अपनी हर ख्वाहिश की लकड़ी,
वो ये केहके जलाते रहे की -
"सर्दियों में बच्चों को गर्माहट मिलेगी।"


If you find someone who appreciates you even at your worst.
Then,my friend you are BLESSED.


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Dear old love,
Thy never turned even a day older,
Thy presence is felt in my each heartbeat,
Thy love made me the person I am!
Stronger,Prouder and better than I was.
Maybe only Love isn't enough for a relationship,
The reason our ends couldn't meet.
But for sure, the parallel journey spent with thine-
Was absolutely divine.


20th June 2020.


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