Priyanka Raghuvanshi   (Priyanka Raghuvanshi)
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Joined 28 December 2018

Joined 28 December 2018

अमीरी का शजर लगा था उनके आँगन में..
और गरीब के हुनर का पता खो गया..
दस्तूर भी बड़ा अजीब है इस ज़माने का..
हुनर रहा मौजूद वहाँ, जहाँ हुनर ही बेवजूद हो गया..


26 APR AT 1:16

मदमस्त बहती हवाओं सा है प्रेम उनका..
कविता की पंक्तियों से सराबोर..
एक ने पिया प्याला विष का..
दूसरी ने किया त्याग होकर दूर..
मेल हुआ रुक्मणी से, फिर भी..
जग लेता है नाम राधे कृष्णा हर दिशा हर छोर..


20 APR AT 18:01

सज़ा हो गया..

हर दिल इस ज़माने में बेवफ़ा हो गया..


20 APR AT 3:40

दुनिया में रहो, गमगीन या दिल-ए-शाद रहो..
बस कुछ ऐसा करो, कि हर ज़हन में याद रहो..


17 APR AT 13:20

The divinity of arrows..
The strength within the will..
Banishing negative shadows..
May Lord Rama's blessings
bring positive spirit fill..


17 APR AT 13:02

जिनमें शक्ति अपार है..
विनम्रता की जो मिसाल हैं..
विष्णु जी का सातवां अवतार..
पत्नीव्रता मर्यादापुरुषोत्तम श्री राम हैं..
जिनके चरणों में मेरा शत-शत प्रणाम है..

रामनवमी कि आप सभी को हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं..
जय श्रीराम..जय सियाराम..


16 APR AT 19:48

all the years of
healing, what has been
infused in me is the
inclination to follow
nature on her


10 APR AT 21:16

He stood on the sand of the seashore and tried to measure the ocean..
That was the moment..
He failed to understand the depth of her love and that mysterious magical emotion..


3 APR AT 15:51

In the pursuit of knowing and understanding, there emerges a loner who has deeply observed the difference between those who know you and those who understand you amidst the crowd.


2 APR AT 21:53

"Yes, She bestowed love and compassion upon those who traversed her life's journey, even when it wasn't reciprocated. However, it was the betrayal conveyed through disrespectful gestures by listening and giving importance to the words of others instead of giving priority to love, compassion and support she showed every time, that forged her into a warrior. This battle was waged within her own soul, not to hurt someone, but to shield herself from further hurt inflicted by the outer world. Love is to give what they actually wanted and that's what she did - She refrained from causing disturbance to those while enabling them to pursue their happiness.."


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