Mr. Dopamine   (A Viral)
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Joined 11 May 2019

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Joined 11 May 2019

koi hai ??


26 JAN AT 0:07

A forehead kiss so sweet and light,
A warm hug in the quiet night.
Whispering softly, calm and tight,

"Don't worry, love, everything's bright.
In your embrace, my heart takes flight,
Each night with you, a perfect delight."


24 JAN AT 13:37

Within the tempest of my thoughts, a wild dance,
Your memories linger, a tender romance,
Holding my hand in the storm's embrace,
Rescuing me, a poetic grace.


24 JAN AT 2:57

Unlike the moon's reliance on the sun's light,
Your glow emanates independently, oh delight.

The radiance of your smile, a celestial show,
Enough to quicken my blood's rhythmic flow.


23 JAN AT 2:47

Hey Love,

In a haven where worries cease,
Enfold me, let my turmoil release.

In your arms, enslavement sweet,
Where tears flow, in solace, we meet.

With a smile and a tender kiss,
Pains retreat, in the realm of bliss.


22 JAN AT 2:28

In a world of apathy, where concern is lost,
You're the one who cares, no matter the cost.
Stand beside me, let our energies blend,
Healing each other, a bond that won't bend.


1 JAN AT 23:24

In the crowd full of who cares you the most,
I want you to stand aside with me
and let our aura heal each other.


18 DEC 2023 AT 21:51

तुम कोई मंजिल नहीं, जिसे हासिल किया जा सके,
ना ही कोई इनाम, जिसे जीता जा सके,
तुम तो वो फरिश्ता हो,
जिस पर निगाह पड़ते ही
दुनिया जहां के सारे गम मिट जाते हैं !!


18 DEC 2023 AT 8:01

कामयाबी की सीढ़ियों पर चढ़ने में हम इतने मशगूल थे
कि हमें पता ही न चला जमाना लिफ्ट इस्तेमाल करने लगा !!


23 JUL 2023 AT 3:25

Manifestation is a real phenomenon,
I think about you and
you appear in front of me,
every fuckin time,
That's not a coincidence.


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