Mehwish Hamid  
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Let it go .see what stays 🙂
Joined 21 March 2020

Let it go .see what stays 🙂
Joined 21 March 2020
30 SEP 2023 AT 0:13

Didn't I tell you do not leave me for you're my only reason of happiness
Didn't I tell you do not leave me for I'll shatter for the rest of life
Didn't I tell you do not ghost me for I'll crave for you in the darkest of times!


10 APR 2020 AT 0:33

Darling I have galaxies hidden in between my bones....and you know I will luv u until the stars burnout


7 APR 2020 AT 23:00

And all of a sudden I feel totally tired as if the world had drained me for everything that I had


1 APR 2020 AT 17:18

Cause if the water dries up from the oceans ,..and that moon in the sky stops glittering ,star falls,and the world goes know all I'll be saving is my eternal love for you


1 APR 2020 AT 11:42

Meet me in the mid of night . ..yes,in the forest of my dream...together we will make a fire... and and count the stars that will sheen above those trees


31 MAR 2020 AT 23:39

There are silences in you that are yet to explore ..There are eyes full of tears which are yet to fall ...There tales that are yet untold ...all these things are fighting a war against eachother now understand all of them are of equal worth..someday all these things will burst someday all the pain chocking inside will be exhaled and finally will fade over the high mountains


31 MAR 2020 AT 1:04

6 days are just the no.for us but when it comes to poor people these are not just six days but six years rather ..for the mother who haven't seen her child for sch a long time ...this might seem a number to us but a real feeling is felt by those who will suffer ...stop making fun of this it is not curfew it is care for u ...stay home stay safe ...


28 MAR 2020 AT 0:43

You are that midnight emotional thought which when appears blocks the air passage to reach to the four chambers..still um able to live u knw y because darling I knw how to grab the emotions even when they are harsh to hold


27 MAR 2020 AT 19:51

Every drop of rain that comes and touchs the window pane sounds like you


27 MAR 2020 AT 17:21

I have seen a person walking on the earth with MY name still engraved in the crevices of his heart ....though everything is faded....And it's pathetic ,sometimes it burns to remind myself that even in my absence the person continues to carry me with him.


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