Kamal Chandra Lenka  
160 Followers · 31 Following

"And like all lovers and sad people..."

- I am a poet!
Joined 20 September 2017

"And like all lovers and sad people..."

- I am a poet!
Joined 20 September 2017
4 MAY AT 19:35

And when you GROW old,
you will remember me,
the boy who FREED your heart
and let it run wild and free.
And although I'm NOT the one
who grows old with you,
I was there for a CHAPTER,
and all of it was true.


4 MAY AT 19:25

We know this ISN'T love,
and it doesn't have to be.
What WE have is this.
This magic is enough.


29 APR AT 16:46

Everybody is doing FINE in their lives, trying atleast. The only times we JUDGE one another and doubt ourselves are when the PROBLEM grows.


28 APR AT 23:12

You're not always relevant.
Sometimes, LIFE disregards you.
And even some answers
are not made for YOU,
so you will understand that
not EVERYTHING in your heart
is meant for you.


26 APR AT 8:21

Keeping CALM is a daily fight between you and your demons. Losing COOL every day is where you lose, but you BELIEVE the opposite.


20 APR AT 12:04

It's you versus you,
for YOU!
Respect your grind,
even if NOBODY else does.


15 APR AT 11:03

I romanticize SIMPLE living;
slow mornings, the smell of coffee, and the SOUND of rain hitting the roof.
I want a yard with a small garden, to plant my vegetables and fruit trees.
And in the afternoon, some tea and homemade biscuits with a good BOOK to read by the window where I can see the SUNSET turning the blue sky to orange; stars coming in at twilight.
I shall never tire of this ROUTINE, as I look forward to doing it all over AGAIN, tomorrow.


14 APR AT 14:02

In life, it's either we ENJOY the sunshine or COMPLAIN about the sunburn.


13 APR AT 23:02

"I'm reluctant of being a CARER. Overly protective people can occasionally PROVOKE aggressive behaviour in others."


10 APR AT 9:37

I ENDED up losing her, so thus the FEAR of losing her.


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