I_am_in_a_diary   (#Mydiarythoughts)
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बातें जो मन में रही
Joined 13 February 2019

बातें जो मन में रही
Joined 13 February 2019
16 APR AT 1:44

शायद साया अनजान था,
अंधेरी रात में बिन परछाई वो मुझे ढूढ़ ना पाया।

राहों में चलते चलते खो गया,
दिल के तनहा कोने में, खुद को बिखरा पाया।

वो रूह की आवाज़ थी, या ख्वाब की सजावट,
कुछ भी स्पष्ट नहीं, सिर्फ एहसास बचा पाया।

जीवन की इस महाकवि में, हर रोज़ कुछ नया,
पर क्या वो था वाकई, या बस एक भ्रांति का साया।


16 MAR AT 14:20

Trying your best, in your bad days
Just to make yourself happy again

Crossing your own limits of daily to do things
Just to get the person inside you
Whom you love your best

The reality is, anyone can left you, in any situation
The one, who loves you most
Is you

Taking care of yourself more softly
Just to heal the parts, need more limitless love ❤️


28 FEB AT 22:01

A love note from a coffee lover ❤️

The more stress, the more coffee
The more heartbreaks the more coffee
Sleepless nights, more coffee
The more matured version of you, more coffee
You are on anti depressants, more coffee

One step solution of everything
More & more coffee

To my dearest coffee,

In every circumstance, you're there to be,
My solace, my joy, my love, coffee.


17 FEB AT 22:36

मेरी हर चीज़ में एक कहानी बसती हैं
यह आशियाना कहानियों का हैं


6 FEB AT 2:12

In the end,
We live through memories, the happy memories
The saddest one, the stupid jokes the awkward one,
Moments that can never be forgotten
Whenever you’ll be with yourself
You sail through those puppy eyes

In which you find your peace your home once


24 JAN AT 22:51

In the heart's journey, a lesson I seek,
Attachments are real, emotions run deep.
Before I dive into love's sweet domain,
I'll learn to unbind, break the chain.

Feelings are delicate, like petals unfold,
A dance of emotions, both timid and bold.
Taking a step back, before the heart's flight,
Learning detachment, in love's soft light.


12 JAN AT 22:51

Dear me,

I’ll make you proud everyday.


11 JAN AT 19:08

When the day turns gray and feels so tough,
Remember, storms pass, they're not enough.
In the night, find peace and rest,
Tomorrow's sun, a new day's quest.

Bad days fade, like clouds they go,
Sunrise whispers, letting hope grow.
Smile in the face of what went wrong,
In simple steps, resilience is strong.


5 JAN AT 22:28

In the digital tapestry, connections mere,
On social threads, my people appear.
No tangible bond, no true friend to find,
Relations’ depth, a theoretical kind.

In the matrix we dance, a world so vast,
Yet solitude lingers, a shadow cast.
Realities blurred, in pixels we spin,
A quest for substance, lost within.


28 DEC 2023 AT 0:02

May be you hate me for many reasons
But I get back to myself every time
Love myself just for no reason 🌻


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