Harsh Chauhan  
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Joined 6 September 2018

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Joined 6 September 2018
24 JAN 2022 AT 13:15


Write, when life writes you off
Write, when it starts a new chapter
Write away your secrets and your fears
Write in that little diary
Write in that local daily

Write to change the world
Write to change yourself
Write to bring a revolution
Write to bring a smile

Write for the atrocities
Write for the benevolence
Write for the lost memories
Write for those future dreams

Soak that nib in your thoughts
And Write till it cracks..


20 DEC 2021 AT 10:08



20 AUG 2021 AT 18:15

What can I say that hasn't been said
What can I show that hasn't been gestured
Our's was never a grand gesture affair
A simple banter fair n square

In all the ways I can wish you today
The simplest ones are the best
Of all the roles you so marvelously attend
A daughter A wife A mother
To me you'll always be my starcrossed friend


21 JUL 2021 AT 21:04


Sea of stars and voids of darkness
I flow through space and time regardless
I pass all the realms and all the eons
I trailblaze my way through dust and divine
I see the infancy of life
And the wonders of evolution
I carry the amazement of infinite eyes
And often the wishes of inestimable souls

I pass the start
I pass the end
Every sky has a different vibe
Every blip has its own divide
But to me morality is irrelevant
And mortality is infernal
I travel and I travel
Through the cosmic eternal


22 MAR 2021 AT 22:20

Dropped from the sky or conduced from the air
The little dew drop floats away
No whim no will
No control on where it may fall
A rose petal or a broken leaf
You see..Luck doesn't shower on all
Still it lands and sits pretty
Running its own little rainbow
Happy.. in its own cocooned existence


27 FEB 2021 AT 9:34

I play those memories often on film
Roll after roll
Frame after frame of joy and wilderness
I lay back and sink deeper
For nostalgia is a bad drug
Often between those bright moments
The screen goes black
Catching me dumstruck
Wanting it all back..


25 NOV 2020 AT 11:05

Two little bugs
Cartwheeling along their merry way
Collide and collide they shall
And on one other they imprint
Untill telling them apart is futile
Identities become subjective
Existence becomes coherent
Under only the subjugation of time
They shall make hay of life
Two little bugs
Being each other's kaleidoscope
Till the wheel stops
Till the wheel stops..


7 NOV 2020 AT 1:49

life is based
on What Ifs..
I'll take
my chances
with you


11 OCT 2020 AT 13:11

Fools rush in
Cowards..never do.


1 OCT 2020 AT 0:16

Coffee is proof that not all dark things are evil.


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