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From Uttarakhand
Currently living in the United States.
Joined 3 January 2018

From Uttarakhand
Currently living in the United States.
Joined 3 January 2018
2 MAY AT 3:51

The lines and pathways of hands may have changed with writing, but what about destiny?

The way of thinking may have changed with observations, but what about intentions?

The hope of winning may have been lost despite failures, but what about desires?

The way of looking at pleasant sceneries might have changed, but what about your picture?

I might have learned to live with the crowd, but what about finding a space in your love again?


26 APR AT 5:47

If one morning while walking the path, I don't see you, I'll change the destination,

If one night in a dream I don't catch a glimpse of you, I'll change the dream,

If one day I don't smell your fragrance in the air, I'll change the direction of my breath,

If one day, while remembering good times, I don't think of you, then I'll change the pace of time itself,

If one day, while listening to a song, I don’t imagine the way you groove, then I’ll change the rhythm of the music.

If one day, while reading a love story, I can't feel how passionately I love you, then I will change the definition of love.


30 MAR AT 19:54

You are love. The quality of air I breathe.

You are love. The wings with which life flies without interference.

You are love. The time that I live without passing.

You are love. The sea that flows without knowing the path of an ocean.

You are love. The reason for my awareness in my fears.

You are love. The path I walk on when astray.

You are love. The strength to the heart that beats.

You are love. The comfort in moments of despair.

You are love. The option I choose in confusion.

You are love. The habit I follow, not the hobby I change.


24 MAR AT 3:25

O friend! Let’s not worry about tomorrow,
We have this moment to live, let’s not hurry.

O friend! Let’s follow the ray of hope in the infinite darkness of fear,
I am shining in the vicinity of you, who cares.

O friend! Let’s not carry the grudges of pain,
Hold my hand and enhance your personal gains.

O friend! Let’s paint our future desires bold,
Listen to the rhythm of life, the music that never grows old.


6 FEB AT 18:54

प्रेम रूपी सागर की खोज में मैं दोस्त रूपी नदियों का ही महत्व भूल गया।


29 DEC 2023 AT 22:43

There is a thin line between liking and loving, and that’s where most of us stay with our struggles.


11 DEC 2023 AT 20:48

Your desire, your name
Not my melody anymore
Except for these lowering eyelids
Nowhere is the abode of the heart
No one examines in these eyes
If the heart desires only you, what should be done?
Oh, the peace of my heart
Pray for the peace to come to my heart


5 DEC 2023 AT 9:01

ज़रूरत थी इसलिए ख़त्म हो गई, प्यार होता तो आत्मा में एक संग रंग भर रुह बन जाती।


19 OCT 2023 AT 5:33

Since then, the breath flowing with the winds continued, but the heartbeat has been lost somewhere.

Since then, there has been a wave of happiness in my mind, but my thoughts have been lost somewhere.

Since then, I have discovered many new paths, but the destination has been lost somewhere.

Since then, many pleasant nights have come, but the sleep of your dreams has been lost somewhere.

Since then, I have had many memorable memories, but the longing to meet has been lost somewhere.

Since then, I have had numerous dreams,
but the desire to win has been lost somewhere.

Since then, days have passed, but the pace of time got lost somewhere.


1 OCT 2023 AT 8:36

तब से हवाओं के साथ बहने वाली साँसें तो चली पर धड़कन कहीं खो गई,
तब से मन में खुशियों की लहर तो चली पर सोच कहीं खो गई,
तब से नई राहें तो बहुत मिली पर मंज़िल कहीं खो गई,
तब से सुहानी रातें तो बहुत आई पर तेरे सपनों की नींद कहीं खो गई,
तब से यादें तो बहुत याद आई पर मिलने की इच्छा कहीं खो गई,
तब से ख़ुवाब तो बहुत देखे पर जीतने की इच्छा कहीं खो गई,
तब से दिन तो बीतते गए पर समय की गति कहीं खो गई।


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