Aishwarya Nachiyar   (AISHWARYA)
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Loot the vibes👀
Joined 11 April 2020

Loot the vibes👀
Joined 11 April 2020
26 FEB 2023 AT 12:19

Even though stars belong to sky,
The sky never belongs to stars.


30 JAN 2022 AT 16:28

Beyond the deep of wound,
Beyond the words can express,
There lies a unrevealed secret
Which drowns and sinks me,
And that was nothing but just you.


21 OCT 2021 AT 23:11

Hang out like a monk.


19 OCT 2021 AT 7:54

Ever wished?
To make all the stars fall,
Make the sky look empty,
And just adding few countable stars,
So that, it will be easier to have a count?
Maybe I have,
Made all the stars fall,
Just leaving the moon at solace,
And adding just some beautiful stars,
And waiting for the countable stars to glow and make the night brighter?
it was easier to count,
But doesn't glow as I wished to
Maybe I made a mistake,
Again took all the stars,
Placed it near the moon,
So that, stars cooperate with moon
and glow brighter,
But it doesn't, maybe again I made a flaw
Again took all the stars,
Placed definite stars in a row,
And definite stars in a column,
But it looked like grid,
And then realized,
I didn't make a flaw but I was flawed
Just to make it easier to count
I lost the beauty of night,
Took all the stars that had been fallen,
And placing it randomly like,
Lacking a definite plan, purpose or pattern, just random,
This was same as before,
Uncountable but beautiful.


26 SEP 2021 AT 13:18

Just a contact, my heart thuds!
Just a look, my heart races!
Just a smile, my heart flies!
Just a word, my heart melts!

Is it just chemicals that
make me this way?


27 AUG 2021 AT 13:37

I can't stop myself from falling,
I lost my hopes when,
I realised I can't find joy in pieces,
I lost my hopes when,
I can't make my words,
I lost my hopes when,
I believed there's nothing left,
I lost my hopes when,
I can't control over my tears,
I lost my hopes when,
I lost myself for an emotion.............


2 JUL 2021 AT 12:14

Behind every smile......


21 JUN 2021 AT 13:09

The colors of rainbow,
The flow of the rays.


21 JUN 2021 AT 12:50

with the company of a faint young moon,
sauntering on narrow infinite long path,
some tall verdant dancing with
the stale warm air,
a strong wanderlust in me
but random thoughts haunting me,
and became a prey for the hooting owls.


8 APR 2021 AT 14:24

tells you different stories
in each perspective.


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