#onyourown quotes

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5 NOV 2019 AT 12:28

एे जिदंगी !
बहुत तेज है रफ्तार
थोडा आहिस्ता
चल II
समझने तो दे..
ये पडाव है या है
मेरी मंजिल...!!


11 DEC 2019 AT 17:44

Learn to handle yourself on your own back. People will drop you quicker than they picked you up . Never rely on those hands.


18 OCT 2019 AT 15:47

Sometimes SILENCE
is our way of HEALING ....


15 OCT 2019 AT 13:30

I will not be a victim to your circumstances.
Your now on your own..


1 MAR 2020 AT 23:28

The worst kind of heartbreaks are when you have to break your heart on your own
When you have to shatter your own dreams
When you have to quietly distance yourself from you
When you have to accept that people like places do change in the name of evolution and you're just a lost stranger there where once your home was....


2 JUN 2020 AT 12:29

Even though it leaves you in the middle of nowhere,
You still have to get used to some people not being there.


4 MAR 2023 AT 12:22

You are ALONE because GOD knows
you can MANAGE ....


8 AUG 2020 AT 17:40

It's not just the pain, it's the memories too, that makes you strong and go through your own.


13 DEC 2021 AT 21:48

Freedom is that playground
that doesn't have any gate.
You can come and go
and play and rest as you like.
Any specific entrance doesn't exist.
You need to permit yourself
to be there on your own.


12 DEC 2019 AT 13:56

be on your
own. It will always be tricky
to be independent at first,
no matter how much
experience you have at being
