#greengrass quotes

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8 JUN 2021 AT 11:22

Expectations - The grass is green.
Reality - The grass is yellow.

Well, both of them are beautiful in it's own way if we don't group them into expectations and realities.


11 SEP 2022 AT 18:37


6 MAY 2017 AT 11:30

The quality of the ‘greener’ grass on the other side of the fence, often depends upon how much 'water' goes into this side…….!!!!!


18 JUN 2020 AT 17:06

ऐ गाँव.. तेरी बहुत याद आती..🤗
गाँव की बहती हवा..
गाँव की महकती सुगंध...
गाँव की हरियाली..
गाँव की कच्ची सड़के.
यूँ फसलों का लहराना..
यूँ कोयलों का गीत गाना..
वो चारो ओर फ़ैली हरियाली..
खेतों मे लगी सरसों की बाली...
ऐ गाँव... तेरी बहुत याद आती... 🤗
पके हुए गेंहूं की सरसराहट..
पेड़ के नीचे सोते चाचा जी घरघराहट..
दूर कहीं नीले गगन का खेतों से मिलना..
यूँ आसमान का धरती पर उतरना..
उस चुराए हुए आम की मिठास..
चाहे पैरों मे गड़ जाए खूँटा या फांस..
ऐ गाँव... तेरी बहुत याद आती..🤗


4 JUN 2021 AT 9:46

Below the green grass,
lies a rough land...


10 OCT 2019 AT 20:43

People Looking For Greener Grass On The
Other Side
Will Never Appreciate The Grass They Are Standing On


24 MAR 2018 AT 1:17

After the class,
Caught a glimpse of cat🐈
Strolled in the green grass;
Lazy, crazy, furry and fluffy
I stood there for a while
Being an Ailurophile...


23 AUG 2021 AT 16:18

To many people think the
grass is greener somewhere
else but grass is green where
you water it, remember that.

work hard, be focussed
and stay humble!!


15 JUL 2020 AT 12:43



16 MAY 2021 AT 11:07

You think the grass is greener on the other side?
If it really is, the gardener must be doing a really good job. Let it inspire you to be a better gardener.
Tend to your garden!

(Musings of a godly woman)
