Gaurav Lohra ย  (Instagram | @iacegaurav)
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Joined 28 October 2017

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Joined 28 October 2017
13 APR 2021 AT 12:33

Life teaches you lessons every now and then but itโ€™s totally upto you, what do you absorb from it!


21 OCT 2020 AT 0:17

We forget one thing is that,
PAIN is our ALLY


27 JUN 2020 AT 11:52

Learn to be QUIET


19 JUN 2020 AT 21:00

Your PROGRESS is all about CONTINUITY.


18 JUN 2020 AT 16:54

Sometimes DISTANCE is the only way to find PEACE.


12 JUN 2020 AT 19:00

You have to break the rear view mirrors of your life to move forward fast and in your desired direction.


12 JUN 2020 AT 17:04

Mostly everyone out there will betray you, they just need the perfect chance.


2 APR 2020 AT 17:10

There comes a time when SORRY DOESN'T WORK.


27 MAR 2020 AT 9:44

Don't run behind short term satisfaction because it will make you feel regret most of the time.


18 MAR 2020 AT 19:45

Don't judge a person till the time you know the reason.


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