Surya Teja ย  (SparklingTeja)
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Joined 12 May 2018

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Joined 12 May 2018

A fresh start to a long week of new resolutions.



She has got some power
to make and break you.



you changed your option
but the first option is correct ๐Ÿ˜


5 MAY AT 22:06

A power that can see the future.


5 MAY AT 17:07

the first rain that quenches the thirst
sustained for the last two months,
a relief from scorching heat,
a bath to wash away all the sweat.


5 MAY AT 8:59

to let rays fall on your eyes,
breathing the fresh breeze and
stretching both the arms wider.


4 MAY AT 22:26

An everlasting promise
that keeps YOU and ME
as WE.


4 MAY AT 12:02

Carrying the burden of the whole week
Promising a break from tiresome routine
Taking into a world where you'll be you.


4 MAY AT 11:51

cooking, cleaning, washing, webseries, and sleeping.


3 MAY AT 0:47

slip into a deep slumber
without being worried about tomorrow.


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