Jerlin Gandhi   (Jerlin)
3.0k Followers · 10 Following

Instagram 👉 jerlingandhi
Joined 25 June 2017

Instagram 👉 jerlingandhi
Joined 25 June 2017
16 OCT 2022 AT 18:46

What’s the one thing you think of when you hear the word peace?

Would you need it? Are you in it? Are you picturing a scene right now? How does it smell? What are you wearing while being at your at-most peace? Are you comfortable? Are you with someone else? Is that person looking at you? What is the mood like? What are you guys talking about? What’s the tone of your voices? Is there silence? What’s the weather like?

Is this all attainable? If not, that’s your motivation to do more to get there. If it’s impossible, that’s your peaceful place every time you think of the word. Peace. The most beautiful place it takes you that you just imagined.

The power of your mind and heart. It’s all in you. Seek inner peace. Peace. That’s with you, in you and is you.


16 OCT 2022 AT 3:18

Note to self:

Love you!


26 JUN 2022 AT 9:14

I will sing your song to myself.


2 JUN 2022 AT 2:28

I'm gonna believe in myself.

Coz, that is always an option.


19 MAY 2022 AT 16:28

Write. Read.

Write. Read.

Read that again.


19 MAY 2022 AT 15:27

Manifestation is real.

So you ready to see a better version of yourself?


19 MAY 2022 AT 4:17

What's about rock bottoms?

You actually think you've hit one when you aren't really there.


10 MAY 2022 AT 23:34

Let there be blessings.


5 MAY 2022 AT 15:25

Are we too similar?
Are we too different?


27 MAR 2022 AT 14:48

If life gives you black & white,
add your glitter
Make it silver


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