Jagruti Londhe   (Jagruti.R.Londhe)
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Character is power.

Just play your role better :)
Joined 15 November 2020

Character is power.

Just play your role better :)
Joined 15 November 2020
27 APR AT 9:47

You look at me, see all my faults,
A crooked smile and all the halts.
You see me stumble, hear me sigh,
But can you see the reason why?

Judge by my actions, big or small,
Helping hands that break a fall.
Happy shouts and silent tears,
Victories earned through passing years.

Look deeper than the face you see,
The struggles faced that made me me.
Unfurl the heart that's hidden there,
A story whispered on the air.

Don't judge the body, made of clay,
See what it took to fight each day.
For deep inside, where shadows hide,
Is waiting strength to fly, take stride.


26 APR AT 12:57

चांदनी में डूबा, चांद है वो शांत,
कहता है वो धीरे, रहस्यमय बात।

क्या तुम जानना चाहते हो राज ए चांद,
जो छुपा है उसके अंदर, अनदेखे पहलू का।

-©Read caption below


26 APR AT 10:08

Would you like to hear what's on my mind?
Things I've kept hidden, hoping to find
A way to share them, make them heard,
These are my unsaid words.

They're like whispers in the quiet night,
Thoughts and feelings I hold tight.
But I wonder if you're ready to be stirred
By the secrets of my unsaid words.

If you're willing, I'll open my heart wide,
Let you see the thoughts I've tried to hide.
Together, maybe we can unearth
The truths within my unsaid words.


18 APR AT 8:00

In life's journey, when doubts assail,
Remember these words, they'll never fail:
"Just do it," they say, with simple grace,
Take that first step, in any place.

No need for worry, or endless thought,
Just take action, give it a shot.
In every task, big or small,
This mantra's power will stand tall.

So don't hesitate, don't delay,
Start right now, seize the day.
With every effort, big or small,
Just do it, and you'll stand tall.


17 APR AT 7:13

In a world where we all belong,
Don't think you're right or wrong.
Each person's path is their own,
No need to compare, just be shown.

Like flowers in a garden fair,
Each one unique, none can compare.
No need for judgment, just let it be,
In our differences, we find beauty.

The sun doesn't compete with the moon's glow,
Or the river with the ocean's flow.
Each has its own place, its own grace,
In life's vast and wondrous space.

So let's hold hands, side by side,
In our diversity, let's take pride.
For in this big world, we all shine,
Each one's journey, a precious line.

Don't compare, just appreciate,
The richness of each fate.
For in our differences, you'll see,
The true beauty of humanity.


11 DEC 2023 AT 22:29

Within your heart, a boundless sea,
Of potential and possibility.
A canvas bare, a song unsung,
Awaiting the words to make it rung.

For you can paint worlds with your mind's brush,
Creating landscapes with a single rush.
You can write stories that weave and mend,
Leaving hearts touched, that will transcend.

You can build bridges where none before,
And reach across to the distant shore.
With knowledge vast and hands that mend,
You can bring hope where shadows lend.

You can climb mountains that pierce the sky,
And dance with stars as they pass by.
You can delve deep into the ocean's core,
And explore mysteries yet to be explored.

For you are strong, resilient, and free,
With the power to be, to do, to be.
So let your dreams take flight, and soar,
You can, you will, forevermore.


28 NOV 2023 AT 18:50

In the quiet beat of my heart, I feel strong,
I'm just me, where I truly belong.
Like stars dancing high in the night,
I'm free, in my own unique light.

I am me, a canvas of dreams,
Life's a puzzle with many themes.
Through time's twists and turns, I go,
My own path in the ebb and flow.

I'm the writer of my own untold tale,
In destiny's script, secrets prevail.
With every step, a new chapter unfolds,
A symphony of stories, as life molds.

In the quiet moments, I find my ease,
A sanctuary where conflicts cease.
I'm the captain steering my own way,
Through storms and calms, come what may.

Through doubts and hopes, I take a ride,
Climbing peaks, with dreams as my guide.
In the garden of feelings, I let them bloom,
I'm just me, in both light and gloom.

So here I stand, a universe within,
A collection of thoughts where stories begin.
I'm just me, a work of art,
Playing my part in life's vast chart.


27 NOV 2023 AT 21:59

Time's patient embrace,
Wisdom's quiet lessons,
Heart's gentle echoes.


27 NOV 2023 AT 20:00

Yellow like the sun, shining so bright,
Makes everything happy, a pure delight.

Flowers sway, a golden hue,
Bringing joy in all that we view.


27 NOV 2023 AT 12:34

Footprints of choice: A journey through life

On the road I picked, my tale takes flight,
With turns and choices, weaving through the night.
Each step tells a story, a chapter to share,
In my life's journey, unique moments declare.

Climbing highs, facing lows so steep,
Kept promises, and secrets to keep.
The path might be bumpy, yet I press on,
In my life's book, a journey foregone.

Laughter and tears, a melody so sweet,
Memories woven, a tapestry complete.
Destiny's whispers guide me along,
On this chosen path, where I belong.

Every moment holds a lesson, you see,
In the ups and downs, where I find glee.
Through time's currents, I navigate,
On this chosen path, shaping my fate.

As the sun sets, painting skies so bright,
I find peace in the path, my chosen light.
A dance with destiny, a simple rhyme,
Life's journey ticking, one moment at a time.


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